Students’ Evaluation of Online Education During the Covid-19 Period and its impact on their sociological & Psychological behavior:

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master’s researcher at the College of Mass Communication - University of Sharjah

2 Associate professor at the College of Mass Communication - University of Sharjah


People's well-being, health, and ability to go about their regular lives have all been profoundly affected by the COVID-19 viral epidemic. One of the most formidable challenges brought on by the epidemic is the need to adjust to a new educational system, which has been called the nation's schools' "most daunting issue" ever. Students' emotional well-being has taken a significant hit because of the compelled shutdown of schools and the widespread use of online education. This research aims to determine whether students' mental health was negatively impacted by their usage of online learning settings during the recent Covid 19 Epidemic. The focus will be on those studying at the University of Sharjah during that time. Students were given extensive surveys to fill out throughout their time studying online so that researchers could learn more about the many forms of communication technology each student uses. Following the Covid-19 outbreak, this study's findings on the effects of distance learning on students' mental well-being can guide policymakers' choices on how to serve kids with a high-quality education best. The current COVID-19 outbreak has heightened the importance of several issues, including distance learning, student mental health, university research, survey techniques, and instant messaging services.
