Using video journalism in Alyoum 7 and Almasry Alyoum to achieve service journalism

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer in the Department of Journalism, Faculty of Mass Communication - Cairo University.


The study seeks to identify how AlYoum 7 and Al-Masry AlYoum use video journalism in providing service content by analyzing the videos which provide content benefits the reader and facilitates his life, Determine the extent of interaction with  videos, the nature of comments, and the extent of recipients' satisfaction with the provided content.
The study relied on the theory of media richness and how newspapers use new media such as video to produce successful service content that benefits the recipient, and achieves interaction between the journalist and the recipient through comments that determine the extent of interaction with the media
 The results of the study showed that there was   Interest in the economic field  came first in the two newspapers, which was imposed by global events that greatly affected the economic situation in Egypt, The news reports were highly relied upon in the two newspapers, there was a similarity of the ideas presented in the videos, One of the formats that has been used more on Al-Youm Al-Sabea is the news releases. The two newspapers used the telephone dialogue between the journalist and the source, The scientific content  depended on  not reliable sources, which appeared in the contradiction of some information in the videos.
