The usage of Mixed Reality in Climate Change Communication:

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Journalism, Faculty of Mass Communication, Ahram Canadian University

2  journalism Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Mass Communication, Ahram Canadian University

3  Television and Radio Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Mass Communication, Ahram Canadian

4  Visual Communication Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Mass Communication, Ahram Canadian University


Merging the real-world environment with a computer-generated one has become possible thanks to mixed reality. With all the phenomena resulting from climate change impacts on earth, it has become increasingly essential to inform the audience about these impacts using a context where physical and virtual worlds can co-exist and simulate the potential environmental issues interactively.
Thus, it has become integral to explore the use of mixed reality in climate change communication and understand its role and the relationship between the usage of mixed reality and the representation of climate change.
To understand the usage of mixed reality in climate coverage, the study utilizes qualitative content analysis; the study analyzes the employment of mixed reality in the representation of climate change in the Weather Channel on Youtube from 2018 to 2022.
The study findings propose an informative role of mixed reality in climate change representation among the necessity of human intervention in facilitating and explaining.
