The Role of Social Media in Aiding the Ministry of Health and Prevention to Spread Awareness About the Covid-19 Pandemic:

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master’s researcher at the College of Mass Communication - University of Sharjah

2 Associate professor at the College of Mass Communication - University of Sharjah


This study aims to elucidate the function of social media in helping the Ministry of Health and Prevention's efforts to disseminate information regarding Covid-19 to the populace of the United Arab Emirates. The study will center on two prevalent social media platforms, namely Twitter and Instagram, to examine the effectiveness of the official page of the Ministry of Health and Prevention in disseminating health-related information. The research is founded on quantitative methodologies. The study collected data from a sample of 1,038 participants who were residents of the United Arab Emirates. The survey aimed to investigate the participants' perceptions regarding the role of social media in disseminating information during the Covid-19 pandemic. The findings suggest that the Ministry of Health's social media initiatives have significantly enhanced awareness and comprehension regarding COVID-19 in the UAE, amounting to 95%. This outcome may account for the Ministry of Health and Prevention's success in disseminating social media knowledge. Moreover, the efficacy of media-based health initiatives to enhance knowledge and comprehension regarding the significance of receiving the COVID-19 vaccine is estimated to be 80%.
