Addressing controversial societal issues on social media and Users' attitudes towards them

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer in the Department of Journalism and Media, Faculty of Islamic and Arab Studies for Girls - Al-Azhar University


    This study aims to identify the most controversial societal issues that appear on the surface of society, through the quality of the issues presented on the pages of the study sample (Salon of Enlightenment, Women of Egypt, Women's Revolution, Fatwas of the country) and also aims to monitor the reactions of the interacting users of these pages to the controversial issues presented, and to know the attitude of the audience used towards them, by monitoring and analyzing the comments of the public on them.
       This study belongs to the descriptive research, which relied on the sample survey methodology, during the period 1Sept, til 30Nov, in the year 2022, by772 content, in addition to the first 10 comments of readers on these issues, using the content analysis tool in both its quantitative and qualitative aspects.
  The study reached several results, the most important of which are that controversial religious issues topped the attention of the pages of the study sample, as they came in first place with 33.8%, among the controversial issues under study, and their interest in women's issues and rights came in second place by 25.1%,also note the interest of the Egyptian Women page in publishing topics related to the defense of identity in a way that serves women's issues and does not prejudice their rights. Most of the public's comments were negative in first place with 54.8%, followed by neutral comments in second place with 39.1%, while favorable comments came in third place with 6%. 
