Interactivity in the electronic press and its impact on the readability of the paper press :

Document Type : Original Article


Public relations and media specialist at the General Office of Alexandria Governorate.


Study Objectives:

This study aimed to identify the impact of the interaction of the electronic press on the readability of the printed press. From this goal, several sub-goals emerge, the most important of which are:

Highlighting The Interactive Elements In The Electronic Press.
Knowing The Gratifications Achieved From The Interaction Of The Electronic Press.
Revealing The Nature Of The Relationship Between Electronic Journalism And Paper Journalism.
Determining The Interactive Services Practiced By The Respondents In The Electronic Press.
Explanation Of The Extent To Which The Interaction Of The Electronic Press Contributes To The Development Of The Paper Press.
Studying The Obstacles That Limit The Interaction Of Electronic Journalism On The Internet.
Knowing The Respondents’ Suggestions To Address The Obstacles That Limit The Interaction Of The Electronic Press.

The study used the survey descriptive approach, and the data was obtained using a questionnaire distributed to (400) individuals from Alexandria University students enrolled in the master's and doctoral levels and working in the General Court of Alexandria Governorate and its local units, male and female, taking into account equality between them and the type of respondents. The most important results are the following:

Interactive: Procedurally interactive means: the interaction of the newspaper readership with the editorial materials and texts that represent the essence of the communicative process; Through a series of actions that embody response and control, and are clearly visible at the level of electronic journalism
Electronic Journalism: Electronic journalism procedurally means: newspapers that derive their presence from the Internet, and rely on computer techniques in preparation, production and publication processes, and allow their readers to browse their contents, through a computer connected to the Internet, and include a group of editorial arts where news, articles, And conversations, investigations, reports, announcements...etc. They are issued periodically, and they have a specific website on the Internet.
Printed Journalism: Procedurally, printed press means: a publication issued on a regular basis, and the diversity of news and topics is taken into account in its editing; With the aim of conveying information and knowledge, keeping abreast of issues and events, and influencing readers' trends.

General Results Of The Study

(63.5%) of the respondents are keen to interact with electronic newspapers, while some respondents (20.3%) reported that they rarely interact with the electronic press, while others (16.3%) stated that they sometimes interact with electronic newspapers.
The most important elements of interactivity for electronic newspapers are: giving space to the reader to publish all his ideas and opinions at a rate of (37.5%), followed by continuous development and modernization in the quality of services at a rate of (26.5%), then the diversity and multiplicity of services in one press site with a percentage of (16.3%) of the total sample
The data of this table indicated that there are five main reasons for respondents’ interest in reading electronic newspapers, as follows: First: they are a substitute for paper newspapers at a rate of (41.3%), second: they do not cost much money at a rate of (32.5%), third: Because it is issued before paper at a rate of (11.3%), Fourth: Addressing topics that paper newspapers cannot address by (8.5%), Fifth: It tends to be more detailed and analyzed by (6.5%) of the total sample.
- Most of the respondents (72.5%) confirm that their use of the electronic press negatively affected their reading of the paper press, while some respondents (27.5%) went to confirm that their use of the electronic press did not negatively affect their reading of the paper press.
- The main reasons for respondents’ failure to read paper newspapers are: (a) electronic newspapers offer better advantages than paper press by (42.5%), (b) not keeping pace with technological development by (28.8%), (c) lack of The time to study it is (17.3%), (d) the high material cost by (11.5%) of the total sample.
The results showed that there are three main trends of the relationship between the paper press and the electronic press, their statement as follows: (a) The first trend: the electronic press is an alternative to the paper press with a percentage of (43.3%), (b) the second trend: the paper press will remain with a percentage of (31.3%), (C) The third trend: The paper press will be canceled at a rate of (25.5%).
The most prominent contribution of electronic newspapers to the development of paper newspapers, respectively, is evident in: Some newspapers achieve profits from their websites by (40.8%), promotion and access to new markets by 35%, and the advancement of journalistic work by (24.3%) from total sample.
- Most respondents (60.8%) confirm that the electronic press is an alternative to the paper press, while some respondents (39.3%) assert that the electronic press is not an alternative to the paper press.
- The most important challenges facing the electronic press at the general level are evident in: the lack of systems to organize work, the weakness of oversight and the control of press legislation in most electronic newspapers, especially in the Arab countries, with a percentage of (26.6%), followed by the lack of material and technical capabilities in developing countries with a percentage of (18.2%), then the competition available on the Internet; This contributes to highlighting the role of personal or popular media sites (16.8%), then the burdens facing electronic newspapers due to the multiplicity of skills and experiences needed by the journalist and recipient (13.7%).
The variable of the integrative relationship takes the lead in the variables of the relationship between the paper copy and the electronic copy with a percentage of (35%), followed by the variable of the competitive relationship with a percentage of (29%), and in the third place came the variable of the paper version threatened with extinction in front of the electronic version with a percentage of (18.5%), In the fourth rank came the variable with no difference between the two versions by (9%), while in the fifth and last rank came the electronic version variable threatened with extinction in front of the paper version with a rate of (8.5%).
The necessity of establishing press institutions or media companies; Contribute to the development and development of electronic newspapers with the importance of addressing all problems, especially technological or financial problems; It takes the lead in the respondents' proposals for developing the electronic press with a percentage of (14.5%), followed by the proposal to "work on regulating rules and regulations" by (13.2%), then the proposal to "make the necessary amendments to all laws related to publishing and publications operations, to include the protection of freedom of Opinion and expression and the protection of property rights and electronic publishing” by (12.9%), then the proposal to “provide a distinguished journalistic industry by completing the work of journalism with an emphasis on being trusted and appreciated by the target audience” at (12.3%).

