Educators or Digital Content Creators? Using ICT Tools and the Technological Challenge Facing Academic Staff Members in the Digital Media Landscape

Document Type : Original Article


 Assistant-lecturer at the Faculty of Mass Communication, MSA University


This paper investigates the perception of Egyptian Mass Communication higher education academic staff members about the effectiveness of using ICT tools for educational digital content creation (DCC), and the acceptance and resistance to the use of such tools in the educational process. It was conducted from December 2022 to February 2023, with an investigation on a sample (N=103) of academic staff members of Mass Communication Faculties in Egypt, linked to the undergraduate level courses in both public and private Universities. The results indicate that Mass Communication academic staff members express moderate levels of digital training and highly value the didactic effectiveness of DCC tools to develop e-learning training actions. However, the key issues and challenges found to be significant in using these tools by educators and DCC were limited accessibility, limited technical support, and lack of effective training, limited time and lack of educators' competency.
