The impact of companies' use of social media content marketing activities on the relative weight of the brand

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant lecturer in the Department of Public Relations and Advertising, Faculty of Information - Cairo University.


The age of digitization in which we live has helped to increase competition among companies, Digital means have become able to build long-term relationships with customers, so This study seeks to identify the digital content marketing activities on the brand equity (Brand awareness - brand engagement - perceived brand quality - brand loyalty).
The study relied on the survey curriculum, which was used by the survey paper on a sample of consumers, to identify the sources of digital information on which the public relied to obtain information about the different products, and the impact of the content provided by companies on consumers.
The findings found that digital content marketing technologies are highly capable of changing audiences' opinions and trends towards the product. They confirmed that media content had a stronger positive impact on the brand equity. In addition, the wealth of information was found to have a positive impact on the value of the brand.
