The relationship between companies' use of digital content marketing strategy and customer engagement and their reversal loyalty to competition brand

Document Type : Original Article


Doctoral researcher in the Department of Public Relations and Advertising, Faculty of Information, Cairo University.


The study sought to  find out an answer to the following question: "How did the content marketing strategy contribute to increasing consumer loyalty to the brand?" the study also examined the effect of the following dimensions (appropriateness - credibility - value - passion - attractiveness - pluralism - quality) in building a content marketing strategy for users of one of the two brands: (Coca-Cola - Pepsi), the researcher used the field survey method .Therefore, the questionnaire was applied to a sample consisting of 435 respondents, 35 questionnaires were excluded after reviewing each questionnaire to determine its validity, and the researcher extracted the dimensions of marketing in previous studies and occasions, and tested a proposed model. The most prominent results of the study were as follows:
The study concluded to important results as follows:
1-(The organization’s sponsorship of charitable and medical institutions) came at the top of the reasons that encourage the study sample to continue marketing with content issued by preferred brands, followed by (clarity of product descriptions), then (the page’s keenness to display modern and non-recurring content about the product and its characteristics), followed by (View other people's opinions about the product).
2- (The post that presents continuous offers and discounts and competitions) came in first place, followed by (the post that provides information about the company that owns the product and its social and charitable activities), then (the post that depends of gamification).
3- The satisfaction rate of the study sample with the marketing content issued by their favorite brand was high at 57.75%, followed by the average level of satisfaction at 39.75%, and finally the low level of satisfaction at 2.5%.
4- The is a statistically significant relationship between the dimensions of marketing content (attractiveness - credibility - value provided - appropriateness of content - pluralism and spread - quality - emotion) and their loyalty (emotional - behavioral - reverse) to the brand.
