Research Trends for using AI in Marketing:

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant lecturer in the Department of Public Relations and Advertising, Faculty of Mass Communication - Cairo University


This study belongs to descriptive studies based on the second-level analysis methods to monitor and analyses recent trends of using artificial intelligence techniques in the period of time from 2005 _ 2022, The results showed several key research trends in the motivation of using AI techniques in marketing, some of which were linked to the realization of the company's or the organization's marketing benefits to improve marketing processes, Others have been associated with user-specific benefits, and a third trend that is particularly concerned with advertisers' motivation to rely on these technologies, and finally the relationship between the company and the user when using these technologies.
The most theories were the theory of relational cohesion theory _ actor network theory, the most commonly used approach is the survey approach represented in the survey, followed by the qualitative approach of in-depth interviews with experts and specialists and finally the case study approach, and the results also emphasized the diversity of sectors that used artificial intelligence techniques in marketing.
