Effect of digital content industry for social media influencers on societal values:

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Media at Al-Khwarizmi College - United Arab Emirates

2 Assistant Professor of Media, College of Educational and Human Sciences - Department of Media


The contemporary world is witnessing a series of rapid changes in the field of communication and information technology, which has made the world a global village where information travels to all parts of the earth in fractions of a second. Undoubtedly, these changes have a direct impact on individuals and institutions that make up societies, prompting societies to accept these innovations and adapt to them to achieve the benefits they offer in all areas.
Social networks represent a group of social media sites that allow interaction between individuals within a virtual community structure that brings together people with common interests. Social media sites on the internet, the most famous of which are Facebook and Twitter, are among the latest products of communication technology and are the most popular. This technology has produced content creators who address their audiences in an easy and simple manner. The content industry in social media is about providing social media material that suits and motivates the audience to access and interact with it.
The study aims to identify the importance of digital content creation on social media platforms by social media influencers and their impact on societal values. The importance of content creation on social media platforms has increased with the advancement of technology and the increasing number of social media followers over the past years. The freedom of expression on social media platforms has also expanded, making content creation on social media an important tool for delivering a successful message to the public.
Importance of the study:
This study is significant due to several factors:

The study addresses how digital content is created and presented on social media.
The importance of the issue of digital content creation and its impact on university students in changing their beliefs and societal values.
Raising awareness among students and expanding their intellectual horizons in choosing digital content that is purposeful and in line with societal values.

Methodology of the study:
This study is considered descriptive-interpretive research through quantitative and qualitative presentation of data, which focuses on monitoring and analyzing the characteristics of digital content of social media influencers, and tracking the trends of student audiences towards this phenomenon. This requires the presence of variables that are measurable quantitatively and subjecting the resulting data to mathematical analysis. The study uses the "Survey Method" as a scientific effort to obtain information, data, and descriptions about the phenomenon or group of phenomena subject to study, and it is one of the most used research methods in the field of media studies, where it can be used to achieve various descriptive, interpretive, or exploratory objectives. Surveys are generally used in studies that aim to examine individuals, to measure the extent of the impact of digital content creation on social values, and to identify both positive and negative effects resulting from exposure to this content.
