Framing of AI in Emirati news website

Document Type : Original Article


1 Head of the Media Department at Al-Khwarizmi International College - United Arab Emirates

2 Director of the Media Program at Al-Khwarizmi International College - United Arab Emirates


the current study attempts to identify how Emirati news websites present the term artificial intelligence. The UAE is one of the leading countries in the use of artificial intelligence technologies and application at the Arab level, where perceptions of the public are formed and affected by the news coverage about the updating scientific developments such as artificial intelligence. The study seeks to understand how artificial intelligence (AI) was framed by the Emirati public and how the risks and benefits of artificial intelligence were presented in Emirati news websites. Therefore, the study will discuss the development of dealing with the concept of artificial intelligence in Emirati news websites, as well as identifying the media frameworks that influence how to think about and interpret the information presented.
The study results revealed that AI was primarily covered in UAE news websites via the topics of Government, Science and Technology, Business and Economy and education. Issue framing addresses whether topics are discussed as singular incidents (episodic), or related to a broader theme (thematic), or mixed. In this study, episodic framing was observed in the majority of cases. Impact framing examines the manner in which topics are covered from personal, societal, or mixed angles. Overall, the reviewed articles were most frequently covered in societal frames. The study illustrates a correlation between the news sources and the direction of news coverage ( positive, negative , mixed) , where positive coverage dominated the topics of artificial intelligence.
