"Pillars of Arab Cultural Identity In The Original Drama Production of Digital Platfor

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer in the Department of Radio and Television, Faculty of Information, Cairo University.


The research problem is identified in the question about the foundations and dimensions of the Arab cultural identity in the original drama series on both Netflix and Shahid platforms, to find out the ideology of each platform and its thought that it presents to the Arab viewer, and how to confront this cultural invasion. The research also aims to identify the features of treatment Digital platforms (Shahid / Netflix) in terms of the form and content of the issue of Arab cultural identity through the original series that it produced, as well as identifying the characteristics and role of the active forces within the series, and monitoring the most important challenges and obstacles facing the Arab cultural identity through these original series.
In the context of the researcher's endeavor to achieve this goal, the researcher raised several questions, which were divided into: questions related to the form of the original series on digital platforms, such as (the presented dramatic template - the linguistic level - the society and time of events), and questions related to the content of the original series, such as (the source of the series' story - the most important pillars of identity Arab culture - the most important theses - the most important paths of proof - the type of reference frameworks - the characteristics of the active forces - the most important reasons for destabilizing identity - the most important challenges), The researcher also put forward several hypotheses, including: There are statistically significant differences between the series, according to the production agency, with regard to supporting or destabilizing the Arab cultural identity.
The researcher also employed the entrance of discourse analysis as a theoretical framework for this research: she applied its tools such as: (thesis analysis - the analysis of the paths of proof - the analysis of the effective forces - the reference frameworks), and she also applied its hypotheses to reach the ideology and idea of the dominant actors in the dramatic production on digital platforms with regard to the issue of identity Arab cultural.
The research also relied on the sample survey method, as the sample consisted of four original Arabic series produced by Shahid and Netflix platforms related to the issue of Arab cultural identity during the years 2021 and 2022; Where the intentional sampling method was relied upon, with two series from each platform, namely: the series (Al-Rawabi School for Girls), and the series (Looking for Ola Part Two) produced by Netflix platform, and the series (A Dangerous Turn), and the series (Family Theme Part One) produced by the platform. Shahid, and the number of its episodes reached (37) episodes, with a time of about (27) hours.
The most important results of the study were as follows: The largest percentage of original drama series stories on Shahid and Netflix platforms came from the author’s imagination (75%), with the exception of only one drama series, which is (A Dangerous Turn); Where it was inspired by the Danish series (The Killing), and the foundations of Arab cultural identity, both (the language anchor) (and the customs and traditions anchor) appeared in all the original drama series shown on Shahid and Netflix platforms, followed by the (external appearance) anchor in the second place. With a rate of (78.4%), then the pillar of faith and religion with a rate of (64.9%), and in the last place appeared the pillar of (citizenship and belonging). On Shahid platform, the thesis (family bonding is important in preserving cultural identity) came first with a rate of (60%), while on Netflix platform, the thesis came in the first place (the use of modern technology and social media has a negative impact on pride in identity) with a rate of (41.7). %), and with regard to the paths of demonstration, (emotional paths) came in the first place, and then it combines (emotional and rational paths) in the second place in relation to the total original series, as both Netflix and Shahid platforms agreed on the type of reference frameworks presented in the original series; Where (social frameworks) came in the first place in both platforms, and dramatic characters appeared as active forces in all episodes of original series on digital platforms, whether Netflix or Shahid, and about the reasons for destabilizing identity, the first reason was (absence of the role of the family) by (48.6%), Followed by (cultural openness) in the second place with a rate of (40.5%). As for the most important challenges facing identity, “loss of control over youth” came at the forefront of the challenges with a rate of (56.8%), followed by “the threat of socialization bodies such as the family and school” with a percentage of (54.1%(.
