Legal controls for freedom of digital media A comparative analytical study in the light of the latest rulings of the Egyptian and French judiciary

Document Type : Original Article


Doctorate in Criminal Law, Faculty of Law, Mansoura University - Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Tanta University, legal advisor, member of the Egyptian Society for Political Economy and Legislation


Digital media is considered one of the latest and most popular information and communication technology products, as it has a set of characteristics that distinguish it, which made it the most widespread on the Internet, and this encouraged Internet surfers from all over the world to increase its demand.
The digital media was able to impose a different reality on the media, cultural, intellectual and political level, as it is not only a development of the traditional media, but rather a media medium that contained all the media that preceded it through the proliferation of electronic websites and blogs, and the emergence of electronic newspapers and magazines that are published via the Internet. The amalgamation of each of these patterns and the overlapping between them has produced a variety of media templates that cannot be counted or predicted with its potential to inform the future, and the world is heading today in general towards the Internet and its applications in various fields.
In light of the rapid spread of digital media, including social networking sites, they should be organized and used in accordance with ethical and legal controls, and use these sites to disseminate useful information, real news, and positive content, and refrain from spreading rumors.
And if the freedom of digital media gives individuals the right to express their opinions, and express their beliefs and ideas, but there is no freedom without restrictions or limits, there is no freedom without responsibility, otherwise freedom turns into chaos; Freedom of the media, being one of the public freedoms, is practiced - in the conditions defined by the law - as the exercise of this freedom depends on not representing an attack on others. Law 180 of 2018 regarding the regulation of the press and media and the Supreme Council for Media Regulation stipulated a set of controls that the digital media must abide by, which we will present in detail in this study.
