The role of creativity and innovation in the augmented reality advertising industry and its impact on the future of digital advertising

Document Type : Original Article


Doctoral researcher in public relations and advertising - Zagazig media, consultant and digital marketing expert in international marketing agencies.


In the contemporary time, many companies tended to expand the ranges and areas of their use of digital means in marketing their products, and augmented reality has received increasing attention over the past years, and considering that the technology is new; And that this type of studies is new in the field of advertising, and that the mechanisms of its application need more knowledge, which necessitates examining the capabilities of augmented reality technologies as an advanced input for the user of interactive advertising to create a dynamic dimension, and raise the level of advertising.
This study aimed to know the role of creativity and innovation in the augmented reality advertising industry and the extent of their impact on the future of digital advertising, to identify the most creative techniques and superior technologies in interactive advertising, to identify the most important modern applications that enable advertisers to benefit from augmented reality technologies, and to identify the impact of advertisements Augmented reality on the future of digital advertising in light of the revolution in artificial intelligence technologies.
The study reached several results through the analytical study, the most important of which is that augmented reality technology allows users to try products anywhere, which gives the user the advantage of saving time, effort, and money in going directly to stores to try the products. Those advertisements provided a more realistic picture of the products in an attractive interactive way. In a way that is creative, innovative, and affects the mind of the viewer, which gives more opportunity to simulate reality, the audience for augmented reality ads is an audience with the knowledge of technology, as the ad viewer must download an application on his mobile phone, to be able to watch the ad and use augmented reality technology The results indicated the creative and innovative forms that attract the attention of the viewers of those advertisements, where superior technologies and multimedia were used, and augmented reality technologies helped move digital advertising to an advanced level in the world of advertisements, as this technology contributed to increasing engagement and interactivity, and became the user experience Much better.
