Experts' awareness of the dangers of the media content of the application of Tik Tok to Arab youth

Document Type : Original Article


 Lecturer in the Department of Radio and Television, Faculty of Mass Communication - Cairo University, and Assistant Professor in the Department of Journalism and Media, Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences - Jazan University - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


The study aimed to monitor the extent to which experts are aware of the dangers of the Tik Tok application media content on Arab youth, especially the "psychological, social and behavioral" risks, through a deliberately available sample from academic experts and practitioners in the disciplines of media, psychology, and education. This descriptive study seeks to track a specific phenomenon, describe and analyze and reveal the reasons behind it. The study relied on the survey method, one of the most prominent methods used in media studies, especially descriptive research. The study form was applied to a sample of (100) individuals, experts in Egypt and Saudi Arabia, to measure their awareness of psychological and social media content dangers and the complex challenges of the Tik Tok application on Arab youth, in addition to using the standardized interview tool with (12) experts in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. The study found that the fundamental reason Arab youth in Egypt and Saudi Arabia follow the Tik Tok application is 88% only for fun and entertainment. The obsession with obtaining fame, "the obsession with fame among youth," by 54%, followed by the third place for simulation and imitation by 52%, then to obtain financial support by 51%. Experts believe that the media content of TikTok is a crucial danger to Arab youth by 53%. Media experts, educators, and specialists in psychology in Egypt and Saudi Arabia think that the most dangerous media content for Arab youth is represented in sex clips, trends, videos, and videos that promote homosexuality; these videos come in the first place as extremely dangerous to Arab youth by 95.2%. Experts also think that the most severe psychological risks of the media content of the Tik Tok application on Arab youth, topped by "spreading ideas of self-harm" with a rate of 89.2%, the most severe social and behavioral risks of the media content of the Tik Tok application on Arab youth from the point of view of experts topped the "promotion of homosexuality" ranked first with a percentage of 95%. The challenge of setting fire to the body ranked first as the most dangerous challenge for TikTok with a rate of 96.2%, One of the most important reasons for the spread of dangerous challenges on Tik Tok comes in the first place, ignoring the roles of educational institutions to prevent the presentation of these challenges through the Tik Tok application by 93.2%, The most crucial legal regulation mechanisms to reduce the risks of media content for the Tik Tok application in the future: Experts in Egypt and Saudi Arabia think it is necessary to apply Arab and international laws on electronic security, especially the exploitation of teenagers or sex trafficking, and the omission of immoral content from the countries where the application is downloaded by 99.3%.
