Attitudes of media & academic elite towards using artificial intelligence Techniques in journalistic work

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer in the Department of Journalism and Digital Publishing, Faculty of Media and Communication Technology - Suez University


The aim of the study was to investigate the attitudes of the media and academic elite towards using artificial intelligence Techniques in journalistic work. The study was based on the UTAUT model, with a survey of a purposive sample of 112. The study seeks to determine their attitude towards using artificial intelligence Techniques in journalistic work and their positive & negative impact.
The study revealed that there is a proven statistically correlation between elite's attitude towards using artificial intelligence Techniques in journalistic work and UTAUT model. This study also statistically proven that there are differences between the media and academic respondents regarding the positive and negative effects of using artificial intelligence Techniques in journalistic work according to (years of experience - institution ownership)variables.
The study indicated that 73.2% of respondents expected the spread of AI and multimedia journalistic content with the decline of traditional journalistic content. The study showed that covering events in conflict areas without exposing journalists life to danger, as well as immediacy in publishing news, are considerd the most important positive effects of using AI techniques. While the prevailing  of news reporting and the lack of analytical writings were considerd remarkable negative effects.
