The image of the Egyptian family in the drama of Arab platforms and its relationship to the problem of cultural identity:

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer in the Audiovisual Media Department at the Canadian Higher Institute for Modern Media Technology (CIC).


For decades, many voices of the concerned Arab elite have warned of the dangers posed by many dramas, and she called for the nomination and “filtering” of many of them so that they do not conflict with the walls of the two systems of ethics and values. Some noted the negative effects they have on the family, its interdependence and cohesion, especially on the image of the family itself. The researchers also found that there is a direct negative relationship between what many dramas present on channels specialized in broadcasting and displaying television drama in general, and the drama that is produced, broadcasted and shown by Arab platforms, especially the Shahid platform, which is the subject of the study in particular. The problems and crises that the family is exposed to may lead to rift and collapse. Opinions differed between supporters and opponents about the impact of Arab platform drama on the concept and reality of family bonding. and communication between members of the same family, the behavior of young people and children, their attitudes and outlook on life, and their inter-family relationships, and their reflections on their value systems and daily behaviors. Based on the foregoing, the research seeks to study the image of the family in the drama of Arab platforms and its relationship to the problem of cultural identity, by applying it on the Shahid platform.
