Communication strategies of international and regional organizations messages through the social networking site Twitter:

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer in the Department of Public Relations and Advertising at the Canadian Higher Institute for Modern Media Technology


The study aims to identify the extent to which the international and regional organizations under study use their official accounts on the "Twitter" site in managing relations with the audiences, and to identify the nature of the communicative content and the forms of content provided through their accounts via the Twitter site. In addition to monitoring the most prominent communication strategies and methods of persuasion that are employed, and identifying the extent to which the contents, communication strategies and persuasive paths that are employed through Twitter are affected by the nature of the activities of organizations - whether public or specialized - and their geographical scope - whether they are international or regional organizations. - And its implications for the nature of interaction on the part of the followers.
This study is based on Ruler's model - which is called the "Situational Model of Communication Strategies" - and this model identifies communication strategies according to two main axes: the nature of communication work, and the nature of content. Accordingly, we have four strategies: information strategy, persuasion strategy, consensus building strategy, and dialogue strategy.
This study belongs to the descriptive analytical studies. The study also relies on the survey method, which is considered one of the most appropriate scientific approaches for descriptive studies, and the study community is represented in the official accounts of international and regional organizations through the Twitter site.), and the study relied on a content analysis form that was designed to analyze the tweets of the international and regional organizations under study, which numbered 885, and the analysis unit was represented in the tweet.


The most important results of the study were:
General contents related to developments, instructions, and directions are the most discussed in the tweets of the organizations under study via Twitter, with a percentage of 90.3%. As for the communicative content that was least addressed throughout the analysis period, it was represented in each of the legal and regulatory contents, and the interactive contents, by a percentage 2.6% and 0.6%, respectively.
More than half of the analyzed tweets of the organizations under study through the "Twitter" site relied on the news style, with a rate of 53.8%. The analyzed tweets relied - almost entirely - on text content, at a rate of 99.9%, and with regard to live broadcasts, it was the least used communication tool among the analyzed tweets, at a rate of 2.3%.
Standard Arabic is the dominant language at the level of tweets of the international and regional organizations under study by 95%, while English was used by 17.4%.
“Displaying pictures of events and activities” came at the forefront of the persuasion methods used by the organizations under study in their tweets via “Twitter” by 39.4%, while the texts of laws and legislations and live videos were the least used among the analyzed tweets with a rate of 5.3%, 5.1 % Respectively.
The communication strategies used in the messages of the official accounts of the international and regional organizations under study on Twitter varied, the information and persuasion strategies came at the forefront of the strategies with a rate of 99.8% and 82.5%, respectively. As for the dialogue strategy, it was the least used by 1.7%.
The most time-consuming period between each tweet and the other throughout the analysis period was: "less than a day" by 75% at the level of the official accounts of international and regional organizations via Twitter.
The dominant form of interaction on the part of the public on the messages of the official pages of the international and regional organizations under study on the "Twitter" site was represented by: "liking" by 94.7%, while "writing a comment" was the least form of interaction by the public at the level of the organizations under study.
More than half of the tweets of the international and regional organizations on Twitter contained links by 69.5% throughout the analysis period. The official website of the organization came at the forefront of the types of links used by the international and regional organizations under study in their tweets on Twitter throughout the analysis period, with a rate of 57.4%.
More than half of the tweets of international and regional organizations on Twitter contained a hashtag, at a rate of 53.9%, throughout the analysis period. “Presenting an opinion, issue, or information” came at the forefront of the goals of the hashtag that appeared in the tweets of the international and regional organizations under study via Twitter. throughout the analysis period, with a rate of 44.5%.

