The Digital Literacy in The Arab and foreign literatures between 2012 and 2022:

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer in the Department of Radio and Television at the Canadian Higher Institute for Modern Media Technology


The Research Problem:
Due to the rapid change in the digital technologies and the skills needed for using these digital technologies, the Digital literacy appeared as an Important definition for the users so “the Study is trying to apply a meta-analysis on the previous review of literature whether nationally, regionally or internationally that tackled the Digital Literacy Topic to know the related issues and the methodologies used.
The Research Objectives:
The Research aims at:

To analyze the developments of the Digital literacy topic during the years from 2012 till 2022
To determine the most commonly studied topics in the field of digital literacy
To clarify the Methodologies and the theories used in applying the digital Literacy studies

The Research Significant:

Present an analytical Research analysis on the previous studies related to Digital literacies
Present the Research suggestions provided by the previous studies.
Present the previous studies suggestions on the Practical level related to applying or improving the digital literacy skills both regionally and globally.

Research Methodology:
This research is considered a Meta-Analysis Study, that analyzed (77) previous that was published within the time frame of 10 years from 2012 to 2022 studies on the Below Data Bases:

Dar Al Shoala.
Dar Al Mandoma.
ASU data base that includes researches from: RESEARCH GATE & Sage journal &Elsevier

The Main Results:

Some of the previous studies concentrated on the Digital literacy especially in the Pandemic period.
The digital literacy topic is considered an interdisciplinary field of study
Many studies focused on the use of digital literacy skills among the Older adults.
Many studies focused on the Digital competencies beside the digital literacy.
The studies of the digital literacies were applied as a group projects on a large scale of sample and larage geographical areas.

