Creating Digital Media Content and Its Relationship To Media Incitement Frameworks Used In Reviewing Societal Issues On Twitter And Methods Of Confronting Them

Document Type : Original Article


Doctorate from the Department of Media, Faculty of Arts, Mansoura University


The main objective of the recent research is to study media incitement frames that the official pages Al-sharq and Mekameleen channels use on Twitter while dealing with the various societal issues, beside studying the techniques, mechanisms and enticements that are used by these pages to spread incitement, in a way that contributes to provide recommendations help to prevent the inciting contents that target Egypt and its leaderships. The current thesis belongs to the descriptive studies that depend on the survey methodology and content analysis form. A sample of (1243) tweets was analyzed with (1091) tweets of the official page of Mekameleen channel on Twitter, while (152) tweets was analyzed through the official page of Al-sharq channel on Twitter.
The thesis came up with the following results:
1_There is a large diversity in the nature of the issues that are focused on in the official pages of Al-sharq and Mekameleen channels on Twitter, but the political, economic, and social issues came into the lead
2- There is a diversity in the frames used but the ethical and conflict frames took the lead, as for the objectives of the frames; criticizing, telling, and informing came into the lead. Regarding the framing strategies used to present the societal issues, the diversity is clear. However, the most prominent strategies represented in distracting to other issues, sorting, dividing, challenging, and confronting.
Research recommendations:
Reinforcing media education, that is considered the ideal way to eliminate media incitement; if the audience are aware enough, they can't be deceived. That's why they need to be educated to be able to verify the information and news presented to them.
