Parents' awareness towards the values provided through electronic channels and digital platforms relationship on children's social behaviors.

Document Type : Original Article


Radio and television teacher at the Higher Institute for Modern Media Technology (CIC).


According to the exceed use of electronic channels and digital platforms and their rapid spread also the demand of their use and benefits from them is a double-edged issue if not used properly, it may lead to the destruction of the intellectual, social, ideological and religious structure of society along the long run because it will lead to the growth of generations of those exposed to that content that may not aware to the standards that societies have adhered for many years. And Due to the huge presence of children online to which the child follows this type of content on various electronic channels and digital platforms, and the extent to which parents are aware of the impact of these channels and platforms on themselves and their children or on other children in general, and to what extent support for censorship of these channels and platforms.
The study aims to monitor the risks created by these channels and platforms and activate the role of parents and the role of media education in controlling the behaviors of children exposed to digital content by detecting fake messages and inappropriate values that digital content works to spread and preparing children to understand the media culture that surrounds them and good selection, dealing with it and using it effectively and effectively.
