Digital media and anti-cyberterrorism efforts (Role and constraints)

Document Type : Original Article


Head of the Public Relations Department at the Bahrain Institute for Political Development


The study aimed to identify the role of the media in fighting the phenomenon of terrorism and extremism، especially during cyberspace، cyber terrorism has become one of the major concerns of most countries in the world، terrorist groups have invested fully in new media through its various applications، channels and platforms. Terrorist groups realized from the very beginning that the war is a media war a war of image and public opinion in the first place. The use of a laptop and camera and mobiles applications is the best way to win psychological warfare and propaganda and win the minds of youngsters.
And that’s why the study is important to discuss how hired the terrorist groups the interknit and new media enabled to do their propaganda، mobilize youth،raise funds، communicate،gather data and intelligence. Practice internal communication and build an international network of supporters and followers.
