AI journalism techniques and improved stereotype of institutions and governments:

Document Type : Original Article


Researcher at the Artificial Intelligence Journalism Foundation for Research and Foresight, Faculty of Arts, Minya University


The 'Chinese model' in dealing with the emerging corona virus pandemic reveals a clear propaganda mechanism for the ruling Communist Party, which seeks to paint the image of a rising global power, relying on efficacy, effectiveness and the latest technology in the face of the deadly virus. Thus, China launched an unprecedented public relations campaign, in which it showed great generosity in providing aid to countries facing the problem of dealing with the emerging virus in light of this. This study aims to monitor the use of artificial intelligence journalism techniques in combating the Corona pandemic and how to analyze the image of China from the point of view of the Chinese leadership and the operational logic on the one hand, and their image in the West on the other side in light of the presence of hostile campaigns considering that China has succeeded in absorbing pressure and accusations and overcoming the crisis. The study also aims to develop a strategy for how journalistic institutions deal with AI techniques in light of international experiences. The results of the research have been interpreted in the light of Goffman’s media framework analysis theory. The researcher used the aspects of her use of framing theory as a theoretical construct of the study according to the level of the analytical study, where the nature of the frameworks through which Chinese and Western newspapers (government and private) deal with the Covid 19 virus crisis.
