Attachment to social media influencers as a Predictor of Academic Procrastination in Adolescents

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor in the Department of Educational Media, Faculty of Specific Education, Minya University


The study examines the relationship between adolescents' attachment to social media influencers and their level of academic procrastination using an online questionnaire administered to 441 adolescents from Minia University and some secondary schools in Minia Governorate who follow influencers' accounts regularly. The study revealed that adolescents' attachment to influencers is not statistically significant in predicting academic procrastination among adolescents. Adolescents' social media usage is a statistically significant indicator of academic procrastination. The study also found a negative correlation between adolescents' attachment to social media influencers and academic procrastination. Moreover, this suggests that adolescents who are strongly attached to these influencers are less likely to procrastinate in their academic tasks and that this is due to their eagerness (The study sample) led to a large follow-up of educational content and several influencers who provided educational and cultural content that stimulated and inspired adolescents. Therefore, this study's findings can be utilized to develop programs that assist adolescents in regulating their usage of social media and academic activities healthily and productively.
