The effect of using drone journalism on developing the content of Egyptian press websites:

Document Type : Original Article


Teacher of Journalism and Digital Publishing at the Faculty of Media and Communication Arts - Pharos University in Alexandria


 Drones represent one of the most important technological developments in the field of media and press coverage in the world, as they provide to press institutions innovative methods to carry out their tasks in a more professional manner, which reflected in the content of news, how journalists perform their work, organizing newsrooms, and also provides solutions for correspondents, photographers and agencies. In order to produce reports, videos or photos more professional.
Drones are competing with journalists to achieve a scoop in reporting breaking news, which requires speed in transmission, and providing a comprehensive picture of the event in the most dangerous situations.
Thus, this study attempts to reveal "the impact of employing drones on press coverage, the development of journalistic content, and journalistic forms in Egyptian press websites, and their impact on communicators, in addition to. identifying the problems that prevent the application of this modern technology in Egyptian press websites.
This study belongs to the type of future research, as it seeks to explore the future with regard to potential prospects for developing of journalistic content in Egyptian websites by applying the drone journalism technology, so that it is used to identify the reality of the drone press, and opinions of communicators in the Egyptian press websites about the future of the drone press in through its role in developing the content of the Egyptian press websites in the future.
1- The results of the study on communicators in the Egyptian sites showed that uses of drone journalism in their websites will achieve a positive development in the future, regarding the journalistic content, due to its current and immediate coverage for  events, which enhance the news capabilities of sities.
2- The results revealed that drone journalism will increase the ceribility of the News contents, due to it conveys a realistic and expressive picture of all areas of events.
3- The results showed that the news content which will be presented through drone journalism is a high quality, which makes it sutible for publishing through digital platforms, and imposes the communicators to adopt modern mechanisms and means in publishing, and in communicating information to visitors through the development of writing methods according to this modern technology.
4- The results revealed that the impartiality is not available in drone press, as the press coverrage in this technology focuses on only one aspect.
5- The results revealed that the drone press will impose legal restrictions on the communicators before using, which will affect negatively on their performance.
6- The results showed that the use of drones will make the communicators lose their live  resources that they relied on them.
