The Egyptian public's seeking of information through the journalism and television contents of digital platforms in light of the knowledge Economy

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer in the Department of Media, Faculty of Arts, New Valley University

2 Lecturer in the Journalism Department at Al Jazeera Higher Institute for Media and Communication Sciences


Digital platforms, with the interactive services they provide in providing information on topics and issues, serve the knowledge economy, as press and television contents through digital platforms focus on creativity and support sharing in knowledge, with the aim of developing information and its transmission between generations. It also aims to achieve a state of social empowerment by increasing The ability to access knowledge for boot and awareness. From here, the problem of the study is identified in monitoring and analyzing the behavior of the Egyptian public seeking information from journalism and television content through digital platforms, and identifying the factors affecting their seeking information from these platforms in light of the knowledge Economy. The most important results were as follows:• The high percentage of the Egyptian public, the study sample, using digital platforms, and this confirms the importance of digital platforms and that they have become the focus of the public's attention, and that they provide an informational communication environment supported by pictures, videos and links to ensure the authenticity of the news and information contained in these platforms.• The high degree of confidence of the Egyptian public, the study sample, in the information they seek from the press and television contents through digital platforms.• There is a statistically significant correlation between the amount of exposure of the Egyptian public, the study sample, to press and television contents through digital platforms, and the rate of their seeking information through them.
