The impact of rap songs on the values of adolescents in Egyptian society

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer in the Department of Educational Media, Faculty of Specific Education in Damietta - Damietta University


The study aimed to identify the impact of rap songs on the values ​​of adolescents in the Egyptian society. The study used the descriptive approach in a field apartment on a sample of (300) high school students in Damietta governorate from rural and urban areas.
Among its most important results were:-
1- 19.7% of the respondents always listen to rap songs, 70.3% of them hear them sometimes, and 10% of them rarely hear them.
2- 67% of the sample members listen to rap songs for entertainment and entertainment, 13.7% of them listen to them in order to search for psychological comfort, and 6.3% of them listen to them in order to keep pace with contemporary songs.
3- 58.7% of the sample members prefer listening to rap songs all the time, 31% of them prefer listening to them in the evening, and 10.3% of them prefer listening to them during the morning.
4- 54.3% of the sample members prefer listening to rap songs on their own, 44% of them listen to it with friends, and 1.7% of them listen to it with their family.
5- 44% of the respondents prefer Ahmed Weijz, the rapper, 18.7% of them prefer Marwan Pablo, 16.7% of them prefer Marwan Moussa, and 14.3% of them prefer Ahmed Makki.
6- There are statistically significant differences between the average scores of males and females in the rate of adolescents listening to rap songs in favor of males.
7- There are no statistically significant differences between the average scores of rural and urban residents in the rate of adolescents listening to rap songs.
8- There are differences between members of the sample with a low socioeconomic level and those with a medium social level in the rate of adolescents listening to rap songs in favor of those with a low social level at the level of .
9- There is a weak direct relationship between the rate of adolescents listening to rap songs and their imitation of rappers.
10- There is a medium direct relationship between the rate of adolescents listening to rap songs and the individual, national and social values ​​included in rap songs,
11- There is a weak direct relationship between the rate of adolescents listening to rap songs and the moral values ​​included in rap songs.
12- There are statistically significant differences between the average scores of males and females in being affected by social values, national values ​​and moral values ​​included in rap songs in favor of males, while there were no differences between them in individual values.
13- There are no statistically significant differences between the average scores of the sample members according to the different social level in being affected by social values, individual values, national values ​​and moral values ​​included in rap songs.
