Ethics of the live streaming Journalism Covering of Daily Events via Official Social Media Accounts of Egyptian Newspapers

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor in the Department of Journalism and Publishing, Faculty of Information, Al-Azhar University

2 Assistant Professor in the Department of Radio and Television, Faculty of Information for Girls - Al-Azhar University


The present study aims at monitoring and analyzing the Ethics of  the live streaming Journalism Covering of Daily Events via Official Social Media  Accounts of Egyptian Newspapers, through a descriptive study based on the methodology of the analytical survey and field survey, and using the tools of content analysis and questionnaire. The study was conducted on a sample of live streaming Journalism posted on the official pages of Al-Yawm Al-Sabi, Al-Masry Al-Yawm and Al-Watan newspapers on Facebook during the period from January 1 to March 31. The field study was conducted on a sample of 100 individuals from the communication personnel in the digital platforms of Egyptian newspapers.
The study concluded that: humanitarian issues, accidents and crimes rank first among the content on which the live broadcast press relied in the official pages of the study sample; the most prominent ethical abuses of live broadcast press were: publishing images and names of victims; lack of respect for the right of individuals; bias to a certain point of view; giving primacy to a scoop at the expense of adherence to the values of professional conduct; and focus on the topics of excitement and scandals at the expense of serious topics which declined. The communication personnel stressed the need to pay attention to training and holding specialized courses for broadcasting journalists, in addition to the need to work on drafting a professional code of conduct and binding media legislations that regulate the work of live broadcasting to ensure the live streaming Journalists’ adherence to ethical and professional standards.
