Semiological analysis of the parts of the selection Series and the national identity of university youth

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Radio and Television, Faculty of Mass Communication, Menoufia University


The study aimed to reveal the contents, connotations and symbols included in the selection Series and its impact on the national identity of university youth, and its relationship to the development of national identity, and also aimed to monitor the most important features of the military, police, and terrorist groups from the point of view of the study sample, and also through the semiological analysis of the various scenes in 430 male and female singles، The study reached a set of results, the most important of which are:
- There were many semantics of the semiological analysis of the Selection series, as it focused on the sacrifice of army men in order to fight terrorism and terrorist groups, as well as focused on the values of belonging, loyalty and adherence to the defense of the homeland until the last breath, revealing the plans of the Brotherhood, confusing the manifestations of religion and politics, revealing the danger of terrorist groups and the need to fight and eliminate them, the need to defend the homeland through state institutions and civil society institutions.
- The viewing of the first part topped the introduction for the study sample, where it obtained a percentage of 64% of the total sample number; this indicates the nature of the work, as it was characterized by modernity as a new work of art characterized by national events, and also focuses on historical content, and is considered a new point in dramatic production.
- The scenes of the selection Series contributed significantly to changing the political attitudes of young people, as the study sample stressed the importance of these events in pushing them to participate in voluntary actions launched by the state, and this confirms the success of the series events in pushing young people to positive events.
- One of the most important reasons for the study sample to watch the Selection series in its three parts is "getting to know the stories of the martyrs of the homeland" with a percentage of 54.35%, and the researcher attributes this to the passion of the sample to know the martyrs and their stories; this indicates their search for role models and symbols of the homeland, which confirms the maturity of the study sample.
- The sample of the study confirmed that as for the dimension of the image of the military institution, both my phrases (I realized through the events the sacrifices of army men) and (the military institution plays a big role in fortifying and protecting the country) came in the first place with an arithmetic average (2.92), which confirms the interest of the series in showing the image of the military institution positively.
- As for the dimension of national identity, from the point of view of the study sample, the phrase (I will not accept anyone to offend my homeland) came in the first order, while in the second order came the phrase (I believe that sacrifice and martyrdom for the sake of the homeland is one of the most prestigious testimonies), while in the third order came the phrase (the events of the series increased my belonging and adherence to my homeland) and(the events of the series increased the development of my internal national spirit), while in the last order came the phrase (the events of the series encouraged me to travel abroad and leave this homeland).
