Factors affecting job satisfaction for cartoonists in Egyptian newspapers

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor at the Alexandria Higher Institute for Media


The study aims to identify the factors affecting the job satisfaction of cartoonists in Egyptian newspapers, as the study sample consisted of cartoonists in Egyptian newspapers The study sample consisted of (100) individuals that were selected to represent the variables of the special study (gender - age - academic qualification - job position - type of newspaper)
Where the results of the study revealed a low level of job satisfaction in general among cartoonists in Egyptian newspapers. Factors affecting the job satisfaction of cartoonists, except for two factors: the available capabilities, the relationship between colleagues, and the presence of statistically significant differences between cartoonists in Egyptian newspapers (national, partisan, private) regarding the total factors affecting job satisfaction.
There are no statistically significant differences between cartoonists regarding all factors affecting job satisfaction and gender (male, female) except for the job security factor, as the results indicated that there are statistically significant differences between males and females in the total factors affecting the job security factor, which indicates Higher rates of satisfaction among females than males regarding the job security factor, cartoonists in Egyptian newspapers.
