Promotion of Women Issues through Semi-Marginal Countries Cinematic Drama:

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer in the Department of Public Relations and Advertising at the Canadian Higher Institute of Modern Media Technology


The research deals with Promotion of Women Issues through Semi-Marginal Countries Cinematic Drama: A Descriptive Comparative Study between Egyptian and Indian Drama This research relied on the comparative descriptive approach, which is one of the types of the descriptive approach, and is used to compare information and results by describing, analyzing, and comparing them with similarities and differences between them. The research sample was determined using the method of a comprehensive survey of all films related to women's issues that were produced in the time period from 2010-2022, and it was obtained by referring to the (Arab Film Database) on the Internet. The sample includes 157 films; 59 of them are Egyptian films, and 98 are Indian films, which were analyzed using the content analysis method. The discussion of the results relied on the issues of feminist theory in its liberal, Marxist, and radical tendencies. The research problem is to identify how women's issues and problems are covered and addressed in a way that contributes to raising consciousness of them through cinematic drama. Based on this problem, the main objective of the research is to reveal the ability of cinematic drama - as a promotional tool - to embody and express women's issues.One of the most important results reached is that there is a clear similarity that amounts to congruence in the topics raised in cinematic dramas in both countries with regard to women's issues, as well as in the characteristics of the characters and the environment in which the events took place. Which indicates the similarity of the countries that fall in the same classification - the semi-marginal countries in our case - in the same features, issues, and conditions, and enhances the active role of cinema in the study of civilizations through the topics it raises, and the customs and traditions of the peoples it includes. Indian cinematic drama also sought to reject the status quo and provide some solutions, while Egyptian cinematic drama resorted to merely informing the public of the existence of women's issues; which adds to the points of distinction in the approaching of Indian cinema for women's issues. Indian cinema's approaching of women's issues is consistent with the principles of social marketing by changing the behavior of individuals towards issues. In order to benefit and elevate society; which supports the use of media integration in employing cinematic drama as a social marketing tool.
