The effect of the behavioral marketing mix on the consumer

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Public Relations and Marketing Communications, Faculty of Mass Communication - Fares University, Alexandria.


The study dealt with the issue of the green marketing mix (a- green product, b- green pricing, c- green promotion (green advertising, public relations, sales promotion), d- green distribution) and its impact on the behavior of Starbucks customers (education - consumer awareness, purchasing intention). , purchasing behavior, brand), and the mediating role of customer satisfaction in the relationship between elements of the green marketing mix and customer behavior was tested.
The researcher applied the survey newspaper to a sample of customers of Starbucks branches spread in the Arab Republic of Egypt, on the same basis, consisting of (384) individuals. Multiple regression, simple regression analysis.
The main findings are: -
- There is a positive relationship between (a- green product, b- green pricing, c- green promotion (green advertising, public relations, sales promotion), d- green distribution) and green consumer behavior.
- There is a positive relationship between demographic variables, behavioral control, self-standards, and prediction of green consumer behavior.
- There is no effect of the mediating role of customer satisfaction in the relationship between the elements of the green marketing mix and customer behavior.
