The impact of educational media students' use of YouTube channels As a means of self-learning:

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Media, Faculty of Educational Media, Damietta University


The study aimed to explore the effects of educational media students' use of YouTube as a means of self-learning. And to monitor the rates of use of educational students (the study sample) of YouTube as a means of learning and the degrees of their dependency on this website,
Addition to that the study aimed to explore each of: (perceived benefit, perceived ease of use, degree of complexity, relevance, behavioral intention) as a result of educational media students' use of YouTube as a means of self-learning, and finally knowing the resulting effects of using this website as a self-learning tool.
In this study, the researcher relied on the quantitative survey method, using online questionnaire as a tool for collecting data from a sample of (400 respondents) of educational media students who use YouTube as a means of self-learning from various social and economic levels.
 The theoretical framework of the study was IDT Innovation Diffusion Theory.
The study concluded that: (58.8%) of educational media students (study sample) always use YouTube as a means of self-learning, and (44.3%) of the respondents use Youtube from two to three times per a week for this reason. while (49.5%) of the respondents use YouTube as a means of self-learning for less than an hour per day.
(62%) of the respondents depend on YouTube as a means of self-learning since Three years or more.
The subjects related to modern education curricula ranked first in terms of topics that educational media students (the study sample) are keen to follow on YouTube with a relative weight of (70.3), and about (82.5%) of the respondents get a high degree of benefit as a result of their use of YouTube as a means of self-learning, also and (77.3%) of educational media students (study sample) use YouTube as a means of self-learning with a high degree of ease.
(65.3%) of the respondents reported that YouTube is highly suitable as a means for self-learning. and (73.3%) of them reported that YouTube is weakly complex while using it as a medium.
Also (69.5%) of educational media students (study sample) have a high desire to use YouTube as a means for self-learning and
(74.5%) of them reported that YouTube has a high degree of effectiveness as a means of self-learning, finally (64.3%) of study sample reported that their use of YouTube as a means Self-learning has a medium degree of influence on them.
the study proved that there was a statistically significant correlation between the rates of use of educational media students (the study sample) for YouTube as a means of self-learning and the resulting effects as a result of this use, and that there was a statistically significant correlation between the rates of use of educational media students (the study sample) for YouTube as a means For self-learning and the effectiveness of this site from their point of view.
