Legal controls regulating freedom of opinion and expression in the virtual studios of the Metaverse press..future study

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Journalism, Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, South Valley University.


The study seeks to monitor future developments in the legal controls governing freedom of opinion and expression in virtual studios in the MetaVers press, to disclose its prejudices, indicate its trajectory and determine its features, particularly with regard to academics and practitioners of journalism, by developing future scenarios on the legal controls governing freedom of opinion and expression in the MetaVers press during the next decade (2023-2033).
- The overall trend is that over the next decade, journalism institutions have used virtual studios very strongly, and freedom of opinion and expression within these studios very strongly.
The persistence scenario predicts that freedom of opinion and expression will remain unchanged in virtual studios during the next decade, as agreed by 33.3%. Freedom of opinion and expression is subject to restrictions and pressures by the owner and the authority.
- The optimistic scenario is based on promoting freedom of opinion and expression, ensuring transparency and accountability, respecting it as a fundamental freedom, upholding media freedoms in Metaphors, ensuring public access to information, protecting fundamental freedoms,
- The pessimistic scenario is based on the suppression of freedom of opinion and expression in the MetaVirus press, the spread of misleading news, conspiracy theories and hatred. Virtual studios work in an authoritarian framework characterized by repression and curtailment of media freedoms. Virtual studios in the MetaVers press are closer to dictatorship than democracy.
