The role of Islamic influencers on social communication in strengthening military knowledge among university youth:

Document Type : Original Article


1  Mass communication - Zagazig University

2  Mass communication - Zagazig University


During the past decades, the process of religiosity has witnessed qualitative transformations that continue to this day, perhaps the most prominent manifestation of which is currently the emergence of the phenomenon of "Islamic influencers" Where the cyberspace and social media have become very remarkable, which has led to a complete change in the equation, who follows social media watches the ongoing discussions and debates, and sees the nature of the problems and questions posed by young people, where many of them are related to religion or a certain pattern of it represented in a new religiosity modified from social religiosity to individual religiosity, hence the emergence of the role of Islamic influencers"
Therefore, the study sought to achieve several goals, including: - Identify the most important effects that the religious content of Islamic influencers has on the education and religious awareness of university youth and identify the extent of confidence of university youth in the religious content provided by Islamic influencers on social networking sites, and to achieve these goals a field study was conducted on a sample of (300) researchers from university youth in different Egyptian universities using the questionnaire tool, and also used the survey methodology and the study concluded that the level of interest The respondents followed by Islamic influencers on social media sites came with an average score of 64.7%, followed by a low of 21.3%, followed by a high score of 14.0%, and also found a statistically significant correlation between the extent of the respondents' interest in following Islamic influencers on social media sites and their confidence in the religious content of these influencers
