The News Treatment of European Union Issues That Are Served in the Euronews App

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Radio and TV Department, Mass Communication, Sinai University, Kantara.


The study aims to identify and analyze the news treatment of the European Union’s issues by analyzing the news content served on the Euronews application, as well as determine how committed the treatment is to the concept of social responsibility and how this responsibility is embodied from the European media perspective. The study is based on an analytical study of 537 news items from a survey conducted using a content analysis form of a sample of the news materials served on the app.
The findings revealed that the news treatment was interested in a wide range of EU-related issues and events, although the most notable ones included international and diplomatic matters, European elections, and so on, and the main focus of the news treatment in general is on the current challenges facing the EU regionally and internationally under the new international system. The vision of Euronews' app of the concept of social responsibility in addressing the issues of the EU was embodied in building consensus policies, taking into account the interests of the EU and its unity and supranational and national goals, thus consolidating the integration of European peoples and deepening trust between these peoples and between the Union and its institutions. Furthermore, in light of program and plan reform, putting forward the European vision in various fields; raising awareness of the dangers of external penetration by states, Russia, and China; and internal penetration by right-wing populist trends and parties; and finally, reviewing the post-Brexit roadmap and mobilizing to confront European skepticism to support the European project's continuity. While the standards of social responsibility were embodied throughout, primarily, providing an integrated news service prioritizes professionalism, integrity, comprehensiveness of presentation, coexistence, openness, disclosure, and transparency in dealing with issues; democracy of performance; and exercising the role of oversight, documentation, simplification, and diversity of presentation; and awareness; secondly, fact-checking to confront the media misinformation campaigns of the European peoples and to confront the "post-truth".
