Media processing in Arabic-language news accounts Using Instagram

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of journalism and Electronic publishing- Canadian, Higher Institute of Modern Media Technology.

2 Media Department College of Arts – Helwan University


The study sought to determine the trends of news processing in Arabic-speaking accounts on Instagram, the study belongs to the descriptive studies with an analytical dimension. DW in Arabic - CNN account in Arabic), and the content analysis form was used as a basic tool for data collection, and some important results were concluded: - The treatment method presented in Arabic-speaking news accounts on Instagram is represented in (analysis and interpretation), then (discussion). And raising issues), then the method of (justification), followed by (support), then (raise of fears), and finally the method of (criticism) - the results of the study showed that the elements of the active forces used in the news processing provided by Arabic-speaking accounts on Instagram (ministers/officials), (heads of state), followed by an element (the public), then experts/legalists, followed by international organizations, then activists, then civil society organizations, then (athletes), and finally (religious men "clerics").
