The Egyptian public was exposed to economic news in times of crisis and its relationship with compulsive purchasing behavior.

Document Type : Original Article


Teacher of public relations at the Canadian Higher Institute of Modern Media Technology


The study was interested in answering a key question, which is the level of the Egyptian public's exposure to economic news in times of crisis. What impact has that exposure had on their compulsive purchasing behaviour? The study also aimed to learn about the financial concerns of researchers resulting from the economic crisis. and their spending and saving behaviour during crises, and the level of change in researchers' purchasing behaviour during crises and monitoring the level of verification of factors affecting compulsory purchasing behaviour, and the study was interested in conducting a questionnaire for the general public through a model of people's purchasing behaviour in times of crisis The study applied a deliberate sample of 400 followers of economic news. The study's findings reflected several aspects, including:

Results confirmed that compulsive purchasing behaviour varies in strength depending on the type and location of the crisis Compulsive purchasing behaviour has been achieved at a high rate in the coronavirus crisis because it is a health crisis and has had consequences for economic and social crises. The searchers' behaviour was highly disruptive and impulsive and had a significant impact on the compulsive purchasing behaviour of searchers by sclerosis on the procurement of basic food commodities and medicines. s economic crisis that affected all segments of Egyptian society, Russia's invasion of Ukraine was seen by researchers as an external crisis affecting non-oil-producing countries and strategic food products such as wheat and rice. s purchasing power and its price against the dollar.
The results demonstrated the diversity and abundance of financial concerns as a result of the crisis, due to reflection and reflection on financial investigators and the fear of borrowing, and some disruption in the searchers' feeling when following economic news as they addressed many of the crises experienced by researchers in that one.
Results showed poor impulse behaviour of researchers to buy in times of economic crisis reverse health crises The majority of researchers are oriented towards compulsory commodity purchases, and the low rate of storage of recreational or luxury goods coincides with economic crises as opposed to health crises and uneven reliance on electronic procurement, as well as moderate traditional procurement rates and the uneven realization of the procurement pleasure factor due to the researchers' facing health and economic crises that forced them to procure, The dearth of buying research is things he doesn't need, the dearth of rushing to buy just to see purchases and the lack of excuse to buy various purposes for friends.

