Frameworks for dealing with the Russian-Ukrainian war in the discourse of opinion articles in the "national" Egyptian newspapers:

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer at the Faculty of Arts, Department of Mass Communication, Sohag University


The current study aimed at identifying how (the book of opinion articles) dealt with the Russian-Ukrainian war, as reflected by Al-Akhbar newspaper as an official national newspaper during the year 2022.
This is to achieve several objectives, including:
Identifying the patterns of frameworks used in dealing with the Russian-Ukrainian war and its repercussions on society, and monitoring the most important theses “causes-results-solutions” on which the authors of the article relied in dealing with the issue of the study, in addition to identifying the most important actors that appeared in the study paper, their characteristics, and the most important roles attributed to it, and the comparison between the reference frameworks on which the study newspaper was based, and the extent of the impact of the social, political and cultural context surrounding the journalistic discourse in light of the media frameworks theory
Study sample and methodology: The study belongs to descriptive studies, and the study used the media survey approach, and a deliberate sample of opinion articles in the daily Al-Akhbar newspaper was selected to conduct an analytical study on it using the method of comprehensive inventory of all issues issued by the newspaper during the time period from November 2022 to August 2022 To get acquainted with the strategies dealt with by the authors of the article in their treatment of the repercussions of the Russian-Ukrainian war, where the study relied on the analysis of opinion articles as a (discourse), and here it is meant the sum of the phrases contained in the articles from a perspective from the angle of the conditions accompanying their production.
Therefore, the study answers several questions related to the analysis of journalistic discourse, as follows:

What are the treatment frameworks that the authors relied on when dealing with the repercussions of the Russian-Ukrainian war?
What are the main theses "causes-results-solutions" in the discourse of the article's book?
What are the active forces that the press discourse disclosed as driving factors for his statements about the issue?
What are the reference frameworks and paths of argument on which the writers of the article in Al-Akhbar relied in their discussion of the Russian-Ukrainian war during 2022?

The study used the frameworks analysis tool, based on the media framework theory, to highlight the study issue and its dimensions.
