The role of Emirati satellite channels in social change among the public:

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor / College of Communication / University of Sharjah


This research deals with the study of the audience's attitudes and perceptions regarding the professional performance of Emirati satellite channels, with the aim of monitoring and knowing what their perceptions and evaluation of this performance are, in light of the accelerating reality of globalization and its cultural, political and social changes, and the modern information and technology revolution that created new media models as a strong competitor.
It also concluded that there are statistically significant differences between the general public towards the descriptions that apply to the following satellite channels: committed to developing the local national identity, committed to defining Emirati heritage and history, and not enjoying sufficient freedom in presenting issues and opinions.., and also found statistically significant differences towards The most prominent negative aspects of UAE satellite channels, towards the factors of professional development, towards the positive aspects of UAE satellite channels, towards the extent to which UAE satellite channels support UAE national issues, towards evaluating the following aspects in the performance of satellite channels, and towards the extent to which UAE satellite channels adhere to some ethical controls
