Classifying Media Literacy Research according to Validity:

Document Type : Original Article


Professor, Faculty of Information, Beni Suef University


In this research, we present a critical vision of what has been achieved in Arabic and English media education research in the past three decades, from 1990 to 2020. We discuss validity issues in this important research field, where there is intersection among communication science, media education and educational media. The researcher took the lead in translating the term media education from the English origin for the first time in his study in 2003 entitled "Media Education: A New Revolution in Media Research", and then his studies continued in this field. He has done more than 20 papers besides many papers he supervised and discussed. He also participated in a research with UNESCO on media education research in Egypt and the world in fifty years in 2012. In this research, we present the most important issues that raise disagreement among researchers in this important field, and we also show the contentious issues in the concept and areas of research interest in the light of the term validity, where we refer to its two types: empirical, logical, or related to concepts. The first type relies on collecting data to show a kind of support for the expectations of a certain concept that may be predictive and not necessarily distinct or interrelated, while the second type is based on debate between experts and their way of judging the definitions they set, and therefore we refer to the content validity and Face Validity. Secondly, we present the historical development of media education and the need for a new model towards its definition, as well as the elements and approaches of the new media education model, and then we present thirdly the results of the study that we conducted from the third level of media education studies, which amounted to 366 studies.
