Treatment of Series presented on the Netflix platform for entertainment content:

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Radio and Television, Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, South Valley University, Qena.


          The study aims to monitor the themes of the dramatic work on which Netflix drama relied, identify the patterns of sound effects prevailing in the study sample dramas, explore the elements of highlighting, and artistic methods in presenting the entertainment content in the Netflix drama, and monitor and analyze the frameworks through which the entertainment content was presented in the Netflix drama, as well. It aims to identify common topics in the entertainment content of Netflix Drama.
          The study reached several results: that the sample series on the Netflix platform used different frames of reference, where (social frameworks) ranked first, and (official frameworks) came in second place, while (frameworks popular examples) came in third place, and came in fourth place (Folk frameworks), followed by (legal frameworks) in fifth place, and after that (historical frameworks) in sixth place, and (religious frameworks) in last place. The results of the study also revealed the diversity of the content of the Netflix platform in the series of the study sample, where (police content) came in the first place, and (romantic social content) came in second place, and (social content) and (romantic content) came in third place in equal proportions, while The content (horror) ranked fourth, the (political) content ranked fifth, and the content (historical, revenge, excitement) came in the last rank.
