Manifestations of intertextuality in integrated marketing communications messages and its psychological connections

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Public Relations and Advertising - Faculty of Information - Cairo University.


 The study is of the type of descriptive research that employs an analysis of intertextuality that includes deconstructing the text to show its relationships, the approaches of the absent text and the present text, focusing on describing the nature of dialogue within the structure of marketing communications messages. The study also employed a field survey on a sample of Egyptians to identify the nature of their perception of intertextuality and its relationship to their feelings about the messages they are exposed to.
Among the marketing communications messages that were launched in Egypt during the month of Ramadan of the Hijri year 1442, a deliberate sample was withdrawn containing 3 TV ads, an advertisement for Orange, an advertisement for Vodafone, and an advertisement for a communications company in order to analyze the intertextuality within the structure of those advertisements. As for the Egyptian public (the field study community), a sample of 300 individuals was drawn, divided between middle-aged males and females (from 35 to 55 years).
The results of the study proved that the pattern of external intertextuality within the marketing communications of brands can achieve positive psychological effects for the recipient when it stimulates his imagination and obtains his admiration and approval and increases the chances of his acceptance of the marketing communication text as well as increases the chances of his interaction with it. It may be achieved on the level of the recipient, through his exposure to external intertextuality, a kind of pleasure by evoking a positive mood and favoritism.
