The attitudes of university youth towards social customs and traditions presented in Egyptian cinematic films and the extent of their impact on their perception of the social reality in Egyptian society

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Mass Communication, Faculty of Arts, Zagazig University


The subject of the research deals with a study of the attitudes of university youth towards social customs and traditions presented in Egyptian cinematic films and the extent of their impact on their perception of the social reality in Egyptian society. Studying the lack of purposeful film production and the spread of many cinematic films that have a negative impact on the customs and traditions of young people, especially university youth.. The general objective of the study is to identify the views of university youth and their attitudes towards the social customs and traditions that they watch in Egyptian cinematic films and the extent of the ability of these films to convey and present an image of the social reality in Egyptian society. The survey was conducted on a simple random sample of university youth, consisting of 300 respondents, with the aim of identifying the extent of the influence of Egyptian cinematic films on their customs, traditions, and their perception of social reality. One of the most important findings of the study is the high percentage of university youth, the study sample, preferring to watch Egyptian cinematic films and the realism of the topics and events dealt with in the Egyptian cinematic films and their compatibility with the real topics and events of the social reality of the Egyptian society .
