Marketing Sustainable Development Issues on Social Media

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor, Department of Public Relations, College of Information, University of Baghdad

2 Lecturer, Department of Public Relations, College of Information, University of Baghdad


The research seeks to reveal the sustainable development issues that UNESCO pursues to market to the world, and the purpose of marketing those issues, and to investigate the solicitations that UNESCO has employed in the marketing process.
The survey method was based on analyzing the contents of the materials published on the UNESCO Facebook page in a comprehensive inventory during the period from Jan., 1st, 2022 to July 1st, 2022.
The results of the research resulted in UNESCO’s interest in the social and environmental dimensions and giving them priority compared to the economic dimension of sustainable development. As UNESCO focused in its marketing implications on the issues of providing educational opportunities for all, cultural diversity in the world and upgrading and sustaining terrestrial ecosystems as basic pillars of sustainable development.
UNESCO, moreover, has emphasized on availability of sustainable consumption and production patterns by banning the use of single-use plastic bags, fighting pollution and relying on environmentally friendly projects.
In addition, UNESCO has relied on mental persuasion mainly by citing information and real events supported by statistical arguments in addressing and persuading the public.
