Uses of educational media students for Artificial Intelligence Applications and Satiate ds is achieved

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Media, Faculty of Specific Education, Minia University


The study aimed to identify the uses of educational media students for artificial intelligence applications and the rumors achieved, The descriptive method was used in sample scanning as a data collection tool, The sample consisted of (300) individual students of the Among the students of educational media in the faculties of "Specific Education" - Minia University, "Specific Education" - Cairo University, Results show: There is a statistically significant correlation between the uses of artificial intelligence applications and the rumors obtained, This may indicate that the more they use these applications, the more they search for educational content that interests them to develop their scientific skills, research, conclusion and innovation, As well as providing high levels of individual and personal learning for students. There are statistical differences between the forms of interaction of sample members with educational contents through artificial intelligence applications, In the direction of educational media students - Faculty of Quality Education - Cairo University, This indicates that they are more able to use these applications and their tools to interact professionally to obtain information that interests them and that conducts the process of communication and interactive sharing between users. In education, it contributes significantly to the completion of tasks effectively and quickly compared to traditional teaching methods.

