The Image of the Jordanian Hospitals from the point of view of Jordanian Public-A field study on Irbid Governorate

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Public Relations and Advertising, Faculty of Mass Communication, Yarmouk University

2 Associate Professor, Department of Public Relations and Advertising, Faculty of Mass Communication, Yarmouk University


This study aimed to know the mental image of Jordanian hospitals among the Jordanian public in the city of Irbid, and the study relied on a loyal survey method and enabling data acquisition from the sample members using the questionnaire tool distributed over a sample of 341 individuals, and the study reached several results, the most important of which is that the source The first to form a mental image about Jordanian hospitals for the study sample was medical and nursing dealing, followed by the Internet, Among the most prominent factors that affect the image of Jordanian hospitals among members of the sample were direct dealing with the medical and 1 nursing staff, followed by the facilities and medical care provided to hospitals for their auditors, the degree of confidence of the sample sample in private hospitals in the city of Irbid was low, and the degree of their confidence in government hospitals was average. The hospitals in the city of Irbid are also characterized by an average positive mental image among the study personnel  the study showed that the has simple information regarding the specialist of the Hospitals they of believed   that the Hospitals in irbid government are not enough organized .finally , sample concluded communication activates of the Hospitals are average . 
