Following the Jordanian TV channels’ social media pages by the audience and how it’s related to building their knowledge regarding the (COVID-19) pandemic.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer, Department of Journalism, Faculty of Mass Communication, Yarmouk University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Digital Media, Faculty of Mass Communication - Middle East University


This study aims to identify the nature of the Jordanian public’s use of social networking sites (social media pages), the extent to which they follow the pages of Jordanian satellite channels tv on this site, and to explore the topics of media coverage of the Corona (COVID-19) pandemic through the content published on the pages of these channels as seen by the public, and the cognitive impact they have from these coverage,
The study belongs to the descriptive survey studies and was applied using the questionnaire tool that was distributed to a sample consisting of "407" individuals from the study population, the comparison method was also used.
The study found that the pages of the social networking sites of Almamlka TV advanced in the number of audience follow-up on the pages of Roya TV, which came second, and that the audience follows the pages on Facebook more than Twitter and other social platforms.
The study showed that getting to know the developments of the Corona pandemic at the local level came first among the knowledge achieved by through Facebook, followed by giving accurate information about the hours of the total and partial ban, and then providing the audience with information about the percentage of positive tests on a daily basis. The times of total and partial bans topped the knowledge achieved by Twitter, and it shares in the same degree information about recovery cases, followed by knowing the times of allowing walking during the ban and information about defense laws.
