Standards of quality in video journalism in news sites and the attitudes of educational media students towards it

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Mass Communication, Faculty of Education, Mansoura University and Professor at the College of Communication and Media - King Abdulaziz University.


The study sought to achieve a main goal, which is to identify the Standards of quality in video journalism on news sites and the trends of educational media students towards them, and to monitor the motives of the respondents’ exposure to video journalism on news sites, in addition to determining the forms and degree of interaction with the content of video journalism on news sites, and the study was based on building its variables. And the interpretation of its results on the theory of media richness, and the survey method was employed, and within its framework, a sample of 400 individuals from educational media students from Cairo and Mansoura universities was surveyed, and the questionnaire tool was employed, The study reached many results, including that the quality of content and montage came at the forefront of the quality Standards in video journalism, and the respondents also confirmed that video journalism is more credible in presenting the news, and commentary on the content of video journalism ranked first in terms of forms of interaction in terms of forms of interaction, and The advantages of video journalism on news sites varied from the point of view of the study respondents, and the ease of presentation and circulation came in the first place, followed by imparting movement and vitality to the news, and finally the clarity of the footage. As for the video journalism’s lack of qualified and trained press cadres, it was at the forefront of the negatives facing it.
